Sawa II (Togheter)


Jordan presents numerous challenges in terms of social and economic participation of the female component in community life. Within the Syrian refugee community in particular, women are even more vulnerable in terms of economic and labour inclusion. At the same time, another component of vulnerability in Jordanian society is represented by the community of persons with disabilities, most often excluded from the economic and social life of the country due to a strong stigma that accompanies their condition, often within the family unit itself. In this context, the situation of refugees with disabilities, mostly from Syria after the start of the conflict, is even more difficult.



Project Name: Sawa II. Supporting persons with disabilities from the refugee and host communities in Jordan.

Project Type: Human rights, Social Cohesion.

Beneficiaries: adolescents, young adults and people with disabilities; Syrian Refugees; hosting community.

Project Length: December 2021 - July 2022.

Project Areas: Governorate of Amman, Jordan.

Local Partners: Jordan Paralympic Committee.

Donor: Otto per Mille of the Waldensian Evangelical Church.