Safe Spaces in Syria


In Syria, your support is essential in helping war-affected women survivors of gender-based violence and children exposed to abuse and trauma caused by war.

While Turkey continues to bomb North East Syria (including civilian targets) and threatens to further militarily occupy the area, 80% of all buildings in the city of Raqqa remain damaged due to 11 years of conflict.

Many people have not been able to return to the city and those who have done so live in precarious conditions. Only 7% of women survivors of gender-based violence have access to adequate protection services.

With the collaboration of Doz (our local partner), Un Ponte Per has opened 3 "Safe Space" centres in Raqqa to provide safety, protection and psychological well-being for women and children.




We need your help to keep the 3 Safe Spaces operational.



Who have we supported?


In the Safe Spaces for women, 1,239 people benefitted from the Safe Space for Women and Girls, through psycho-social counselling, courses (sewing, English and IT) and workshops designed to increase self-confidence and self-determination.



Two Safe Spaces for children and adolescents (the former for children aged 0 - 6, the latter 7 - 17) provided psycho-social support and opportunities to 1,564 children and adolescents to play, sing, socialize among peers and take part in various activities designed to help them overcome the trauma of war and provide a sense of normalcy in the humanitarian crisis.





In our Safe Spaces, our specialized Gender Based Violence (GBV) case workers work alongside with our Child protection case workers, to ensure the provision of individual specialised psychological support, in accordance with the needs of each individual.
In 2021, this approach helped 116 women survivors of Gender-Based Violence and 36 children at risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Your donation will really help us make a difference:

With a € 50 donation, we can:

- Buy toys, musical instruments and crafting equipment per more than 1,500 children like Laith.
- Provide 1 week of safe transportation: UPP provides transport to the Safe Spaces, because cuts to transport services during the pandemic and the dangerous state of roads in Raqqa meant women and girls were even more limited in their movement and unable to access the services that were available to them.

With a € 100 donation, we can:

- Fund a Gender Based Violence support hotline for a month, so that women could receive specialised counselling over the phone.
- Hire sports equipment for 1 month, to give children the opportunity to play and train.

With a € 500 donation, we can:

- Provide 1 month of psycho-social support and social-emotional parenting group sessions.
- Buy a sewing machine to provide women with a form of income generation.

With a € 2,275 donation, we can:

Guarantee continuity of care for one month for all 3 Safe Spaces.