Women waving peace

It has been 22 years since the passing of UN Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security, aimed at the involvement of women in peace processes. A fundamental resolution, in which Un Ponte Per firmly believes, as evidenced by the projects "Kaleidoscope of Peace" and "Engendering Peace" through which the role of women in peace and reconciliation processes in Lebanon, Iraq and Northeast Syria was supported.

In the same context, from July to November 2022 the new intervention "Women waving peace" - implemented by Un Ponte Per and funded by the Italian Cooperation - will come to life, which will aim to promote the active participation of women and youth in peace processes from a gender equality perspective in Italy, the Middle East and North Africa. At least 4 cycles of trainings at various levels (local, national, international), awareness campaigns and exchanges of good practices inherent to Res.1325 will be carried out, under the auspices of the Lebanese Peacebuilding Academy.

All activities will be marked by a strong gender approach, involving local women activists and organizations from Lebanon, Italy, Iraq, Tunisia, and Libya. At least 200 Iraqi, Lebanese, Libyan, and Tunisian women and 20 local organizations will be trained on Peacebuilding (at least 40 percent of them youth) to implement active methodologies in social and youth movements. At least 3,000 people will be directly reached by the awareness campaigns on the role of women in nonviolent conflict transformation, mediation and reconciliation, at least half of whom are part of student or youth movements in the MENA area.

Project partners, after participating in the training and based on the knowledge gained, will be able to submit applications for funding related to micro projects to be implemented in their area.

Name: Women waving peace

Project Sector: Peacebuilding, Women Empowerment

Beneficiaries: women and activists

Total duration: March 2022 – December 2022

Project Areas: Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia

Partner: Peacebuilding Accademy (Lebanon)